Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

The Republic Day SMS Collection

The Republic Day SMS Collection

Still Sleeping ?
The nation need you !
You need to be Awaken !
You are part of world’s biggest Democracy ..
Today is the day when We got our own constitution..
Its Indian Republic Day..
Wake up and Value the Day – 26 the January.

Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.
Happy Republic Day

The Roots of Violence:
Wealth without work,
Pleasure without conscience,
Knowledge without character,
Commerce without morality,
Science without humanity,
Worship without sacrifice,
Politics without principles
Happy Republic Day

Lets celebrate and solute the noble cause,
Its our nation which is shining as it was,
Don’t forget the effort,make it movement of mass !!

The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems
Happy Republic Day 

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